Australian QuickBreak Crosswords, Volume 1
Fifty quick crosswords, with an Australian flavour.
QuickBreak is self-contained and works offline as well, so you can take these crosswords wherever you go. Need some entertainment on the bus? These crosswords are ready whenever you are!
You can choose from beautiful background papers, different fonts, grid, highlight, and font colours. The paper textures and text are stunning in HD on retina displays of all sizes, and still look beautiful on low resolution screens. Flexible, and great for people with vision impairment.
The grid and clue lists are interactive, and tapping a clue or square calls up the standard system keyboard to enter the letters. You can continue to interact with the grid while the keyboard is active.
You can zoom in on the grid, filling the screen with a word, and then pinch to zoom out again — or let the app auto-zoom for you!
The app has an optional timer, and settings for revealing letters, and hints for incorrect letters (type ? and the app fills a letter in for you).
Uses standard Apple system keyboard or external bluetooth keyboard for text entry.
Requires iOS 7.0 or newer.